Usually this only takes me a day or so......but I think (in part) because we've been so busy trying to get BaseCamp31 finalized and open (lots of long nights and oh, it's soo close) it took the full two weeks.....but after watching my fellow PACERs do the run-a-muck yesterday and watching PACER Member and club treasurer Chris Bush en route to finishing his first 1/2 Ironman today (awesome job btw)....."we're there man."
And, since the last effort was ridiculous, but not quite RED-iculous, I am not only rededicating myself to my training, but to writing about it as well......I've had almost 550 hits in May so far, so somebody must find this semi-interesting (in the "watching a slow-motion train-wreck" sort of way).
So what are the next steps of my journey? Well......there are many b/t now and my next chance at an Ironman Distance race (7/22/2012, Lake Placid, NY). Here's what the next few months are going to look like:
Monday 5/23 to 6/2: Get back into some routine, with emphasis on weight training and pool technique work
Friday 6/3 to 6/5: Go to school (to ensure I get into my preferred race, IM Lake Placid, I've elected to go camp with Carmichael Training Systems...one of the more well-known training outfits.....I don't think they were so into my idea of going to 2011 camp and racing 2012, but they came around to it.....I'm pretty excited about it).
Monday 6/6 to 7/31: Building Blocks - Swim skills, Strength, Build Bike Power, Run Endurance
Thurs 8/4 to 8/7: 2011 RED-iculous Relay (2nd annual EPIC invitational endurance monster-jam.....think you've got what it takes? It aint for everyone....more on this as it gets closer)
Monday 8/8 to 8/26: August Build Phase....heat & hard work
Sat 8/27 to 9/10: RACE WEEKS (? Gran Fondo NJ, ? VA Beach 1/2 Mary, ? Hunterdon 1/2 Iron) - not sure which I'm doing here.....none? all? Not sure.
Sun 9/11 to 10/14: Recover & Resume
Sat 10/15: BC31 O'er Hills Race and Oktoberfest: Save the date and keep an eye out for this one.....shaping up to be the new and different kind of craziness that we all so truly love.
Sun 10/16 to ?: AC Marathon 10/16? Not sure if I want to step into this the day after the Oktoberfest.....maybe Philly Marathon 11/20 instead.
The goals b/t now and next summer really are pretty simple for me:
1. Shave 15-20 minutes off my swim time.....this is going to take a lot of technical work and stroke improvement. I've got an ace-up the sleeve here though......she just doesn't know it yet.
2. Continue to improve on the bike: I was happy with my jump b/t last fall and this spring, but I need another one of those jumps. The best cyclists still whooped me by over an hour on the bike.....so I need another power surge.
3. Push my running to a whole new level: I'm probably the most excited for this one. Despite the over-heating, dehydration issue I had in St. George, I felt really solid here going in.....my running progressed solidly over the winter and I think I'm poised to make another big jump here. I'm strongly considering running Philly Marathon as a barometer to where I've come from my very first race......but on the other hand, I've been there done that, so I'm not locked in yet.
4. Figure out the mother of all endurance equations: "racing = pacing": I need to get some more race experience at the longer distances so I can learn the right pacing/racing strategies.....I feel like I've got a good handle on the science (training), now it's time to get on the art.
I'm going to have to go a little unstructured b/t now and the fall b/c training focus in our house has shifted from Ironman to Marathon-Mom (10/31 Marine Corps)......but I'm excited to get back on track and on the road to redemption.

And so, I guess there's only one more thing to say:
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats, HOOOOOOOOO!
Mike E.
Oh....and here's a little recap of the day for you if you're interested.
I think my leg may have made the footage.....woo hoo!
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