1. Complete disorder and confusion.
2. Behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.
I often wonder what people on the "outside" of my life looking in must think. "That guy is CRAZY" is one theory that often comes to mind......hopefully in the crazy "innocently nutty" and not crazy "psycho killer" sort of way......As painfully noted by my tardiness in posting (only the second time I'm late in my 43 episodes so far, so you KNOW things are bonkers).....This past week has been just plain silly. It started with my attempt to make-up for my missed long-run......
If you read last week's post, you know that I was out of town due to my Granddad's passing and after some travel delays due to weather, my "Sunday Long" was out. So as any insane person would understand, I was elated to find out that hidden amongst the "Monday's" was going to be a couple hour block I could sacrifice to my endurance addiction. The timing wasn't perfect, and there was the potential for more rain here and there, but when opportunity jump.
I mentioned to Lindsay on my way out the door that I was going to run from BaseCamp31 to the house and then back again which would put me at about 15 miles.....I walked out the door, to the steam bath of rain evaporating from the asphalt. I had put on a long sleeve wick shirt b/c the last time I had seen the outdoors it was cool. Oh time....just go. And I went.
I headed "O'er Hills" (not exactly the race course for 10/8 **REGISTER HERE or HERE**) and took a R and got into a solid rhythm. It always feels great to be out around the middle of the day for's so uncommon that it feels like I'm stealing back a little of my time. Kept going and got to the place I was going to turn L and saw a detour sign....straight it is. At this point I was somewhere around 6 miles out and I started to hear some thunder.....oh a fitting was in the distance so being the slave to my goal of at least 14 miles I pushed on.....more rumbling....a little closer to mile 7.5-ish and turned around.....more rumbling and a few drops......oh well, so I'm going to get a little'll cool me down right? Uh, yeah. Another 1/2 mile and BLAAAAM the sky split open and buckets of rain fell.....and fell....and fell....the slosh of my feet in my shoes as I ran through a steady stream was distracting and so my running still went strong.....but not the type of conditions you want to be 5-6 miles away from home in......trudged along and finally got back to a chorus of "you are an idiot, we were looking for you, where were you".
I figured it was nature's way of getting me over some tough emotions......little did I know the real storm had yet to see, as I've been keeping quiet lately, we are in the midst of taking on another really cool project at Pro-Activity; this time it relates squarely in the Endurance-space......phase I of the project is the O'er Hills & Far Away Race which is a super-cool Old School style XC Race which is going to bring in some really phenomenal athletes to keep an eye on as well as a "Mortals Race", for those of us who can't quite qualify for the elite race......phase II is a close supporting relationship with the NJNYTC, a club of running superstars with a subset who are looking to make Hunterdon County their home.....more specifically, my home their home. And phase III? Oh....we can't talk about phase III.....but should we get to phase's going to be AWESOME! What was I saying about when opportunity knocks?
What this means for me (and family) specifically is that we accelerate our life plans a bit (esp those that relate to moving to a house that's closer to what we need from a size/space perspective). What it means is.....move out.....yesterday......b/c the tenants are here......

- Both Lindsay and I are training for some event.....
- the cafe has opened and consumes much of Lindsay's time.....
- the summer is coming to a close which means school is going to start soon (including #3's first day in a classroom of any sort).....
- one of the single largest projects that we handle each year starts in 2 weeks. It's as if today's earthquake went off inside my sanity.
And so.....Behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in getting to be the norm.....many many small changes in conditions.
- although I only got in 22 miles of running last week and a recovery swim.....
- and although I didn't get to write my blog.....
- and although I feel like I should probably start every conversation with my children with "hi, I'm your father".....things continue to move forward.
- I did get a great 16/17 mile run in yesterday.....and a short bike ride today
- "ohfar" is generating some interest.....and people are stepping up to help
- things are falling into place for the big "fall project" (here's to a team that steps up when the chips are down)
- construction is well underway on the home front.....and we're moved out "enough" for the time being
- we continue to get great feedback and vibes from the folks who have stopped in at FuelGood
- I wake up everyday with a family who loves me in the greatest country in the world
The best part about chaos? It's MY chaos......and it never lasts forever.
Keep running at an incredible rate,
Mike E.
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