Professionally - In addition to the regular craziness of trying to win friends, influence people and help change a few lives along the way (OK, to be fair, if I was being judged on the 'winning friends' part, I'd not be looking real well) we are in the midst of some evolution pains at Pro-Activity. Sort of like growing pains, but more growth & development pains than growing (get bigger) pains. It takes a lot of work to evolve and grow and we're knee deep in it......which is a great thing......but it's a time consumer for sure. In addition, I've taken on a few extra professional duties that through the first quarter of 2013 will keep me hopping and at the moment they seem to have my number. They're all very good things.....but I'm tired, and as fatigue goes up, motivation goes I need to rest, recover and get organized.
Family - My kids are EVERYWHERE. No, I'm not claiming to have populated the earth here.....I'm just starting to feel more of the pain of running-kids rather being a runner with kids. Our three are now old enough that they are going in different directions almost everyday (and winter is the calm season, yikes!) and not right around the corner unfortunately. Raising "well rounded" kids takes serious effort. Just a different form of endurance entirely.

So at risk of sounding like people who say "that's it, I'm going to do it starting now".....who in my mind are lying to themselves......I'm simply going to say this:
I WILL have some java chip and then I will have some rest. Because it's getting very near time to get my crap together.
In the immortal words of MC Hammer:
Ring the bell, school's back in, break it down,
Mike E.
(ok, the ring the bell comment was for the basecamp do your jumping jacks)
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