Sunday, January 12, 2014

#115 Get back up on that collie and ride

If a monkey can ride a dog....
  I went into this week with a renewed focus - my semi-annual cold was a thing of the past ("see you in the spring it muttered as it flew out of sight"), and the holiday schedule-blitz was supposed to be was going to settle and I was going to post big training numbers.  No more monkey-business - time to get back up on that, um, border collie and ride.  
MONDAY - started reasonably, an hour on the bike trainer.  Not as much as I had hoped, but enough.  TUESDAY - was a solid day - an hour in the pool and 60 minutes on the bike.  WEDNESDAY - scheduled "off" day.  THURSDAY - um....unscheduled off day (strike 1).  FRIDAY - I'm beginning to think the collie has bucked me....unscheduled off day 2 (strike 2).  SATURDAY - after a full day in class which caused me to miss the group run, it nearly became unscheduled off day #3, but I dragged myself onto the trainer for a self-induced beating after getting home. 

SUNDAY - time for the first BRICK of the season.
In addition to a building block made of tempered clay (etc), a Brick (in the world of triathlon) is a combined workout - usually bike + run.....and today, it was time to do my first of the season.  The plan was to do 2 hours on the bike and 1 hour of turned out to be 2:15 on the bike and 43 on the run - but legs were pretty beat getting off the bike, and my stomach is not yet in brick form (felt sort of like I ate one), but I was reasonably happy with my first 3 hour effort.

WEEKLY STATS SUMMARY - not good enough to report.  The bike was over 100 miles, but the extra 2.5 days off pretty much killed my running and swimming.  The bad news - it's a let down and I have to find a way to get organized enough to fit it all in (very very very hard).  The good news - dwelling on it will do absolutely nothing - tomorrow is another chance to saddle-up and ride.

Oh no Lassie, Mike's training fell down a well.

Now no more monkeying around,

Mike E.

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