Professionally - on 3 different occasions this week I had just gotten finished talking about the health risks of sitting for long periods to groups and made sure to include the point that simply standing up on a regular basis could make a small, but meaningful difference. Each time, at that very moment, someone had the courage to stand up.....as if to say - "I'm not going to just sit there now that I know that".....and others followed. As more and more people stood and it transitioned from "safe" to "ok" to even "cool", it spread - not everyone of course, but to the majority. It was fun to see.

Training - well - it wasn't as great of a week as I had hoped - really wanted to work on getting the volume up another 10-15%, but the week got ahead of me and it just wasn't realistic. What does that mean? Well, when you can't get volume, you get intensity.....so shorter, harder sessions......that lead up to a long weekend. The week culminated in a 3 hour bike-trainer session which is pretty boring. Thankfully, some of the folks on twitter got my back by tweeting me through the first (hardest) hour:
Hr1 DONE. TY @RKleppsDPT @PranaPT @Jerry_DurhamPT @Cinema_Air @AlpineAthlete: conversation, stimulation, motivation. What can't #Social do?
________________________Swim - last week I had a little bit of a breakthrough in the water. I was pretty excited about it......but then, this week didn't back it up by finding a way to get in the water. The good news is - I know how close I am - just need to nail it down some.
Bike - solid week - largest volume week so far - but not yet where I need to be. Although at this exact moment my legs have some jelly-like qualities, they've been feeling strong
Run - as mentioned above - not my best week as far as miles - but the run on Saturday made up for it some. Was able to push the pace some while trying to catch the "fast guys" and my average overall was tolerable.
Other - I'm in the phase of training now where the weight starts falling off.....I'm down about 10-12 lbs (depending on the day) and somewhere around 7 lbs off race-weight. The trick for me is to let that level off some for now - which means EAT! Which of course, doesn't break my heart.
Where I stand - If my data is accurate (which I think it generally is), I'm at about 61.5% of my previous best training state - which, if the rate of improvement follows the line I'm on (no injuries, major setbacks, etc) should at the very least put me around 10% above that level and as much as 30%. I have no idea what that translates into as far as time-shaved, but if I can toe the line 25% stronger than I was in 2012, I think I'd be happy.
Still moving forward,
Mike E.
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